- The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
- Players need clarity- the what and the how. Clarity combats fear.
- Bad news does not get better with age. Tell me soon, with the facts.
- Vulgarity and outbursts are signs of indiscipline.
- Fix the problem, not the blame.
- It matters what leaders do or don’t do- “The culture of any org. is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate.”
- Decisions in crisis demand calm leadership.
- The # 1 thing a leader must do— They must rally people to a better future.
The Important 10 
- Watch your lane. Improve your piece of the organization.
- Success without conflict is unrealistic. Excellence over harmony everyday- as long as its Principled.
- Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
- It can be done. Don’t be a nay-sayer. Optimism is a force multiplier.
- Accept nothing less than high standards. Check the small stuff. Attention to detail.
- Hope is not a method. Plan in detail, execute ruthlessly, and review your performance immediately.
- Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
- Ethics always. Breeches of integrity or morale are intolerable.
- Integrity Matters- do what you say your going to do.
- A Paycheck is made up of Customer Dollars- It can disappear with one phone call.
Don’t Forget These
- Theory of Constraints
- Identify the C
- Exploit the C
- Subordinate & Synchronize to the C
- Elevate the performance of the C
- Repeat the process w/ new C
- Don’t offer someone a deal you wouldn’t take yourself.
- Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.
- 2 times when our commitment to our morals and values is most challenged: – Peaks (arrogance and excessive pride (hubris)) & – Valleys (insecurity and desperation). A way to self-evaluate: Through the peaks and the valleys, can I stay true?
- You have critics? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Churchill
- You may prepare a professional lifetime for 100 hours of war.
- Activities versus Results- Activities don’t matter w/out the Results.
- An 80% solution executed on time is better than 100% solution executed late. Through indecision opportunity is lost. (Be Decisive. Right or Wrong. Make a decision. ).
- Credit for success belongs to everyone. Credit for failure belongs to the senior person present.
- A Purpose is really a Call to Action. Make sure the team has one.
- I’m not going to tell Babe Ruth how to hold the bat
- Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.
- Be Polite, Be Professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet. James Mattis
- True Courage– is being afraid, & going ahead and doing your job anyhow. Schwarzkopf
- Keep it simple. Do the basics right.
- Get angry, say your peace, forget, and continue with the mission.
- When in charge, take charge. Lead from the front.
- Maintain a sense of humor.
- Absolute discipline and standards 24 hours a day.
- Train your subordinates as a team.